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Best study abroad consultants that succeed in getting admission

Education Consultants in Bangalore:

Definition: An Education consultant ( Education consultants in Bangalore ) is who assists parents (or) students in planning educational manoeuvre with his expertise knowhow.



Education consultants in Bangalore for Study abroad

Overseas Education Consultants in Bangalore:

Definition: An Overseas education consultant is a professional who provides expertise advice to people in planning foreign educational manoeuvre.

Why does one need an education consultants in Bangalore?

  • Unaware of the courses?
  • Unaware of the universities?
  • Unaware of the right information – Deadlines, Documents, Tuition fees etc.?
  • Confused with what to choose & what not to?
  • Unaware of the process of how to apply?
  • Unaware of the location of the university?
  • Unaware of the job opportunities post completion of degree?
  • Unaware of the alumni at college, research opportunity etc.

If you have at least one reason or more than one from the aforementioned points you must seek an education consultants in Bangalore to help you.

Why does one need the best overseas education consultants in Bangalore ?

  • Because they know it all?
  • Because they have experience in assisting thousands of others?
  • Because they have helped your friends in the same aspirations?
  • Because they have good reputation?
  • Because they truly want to help students?
  • Because they are inexpensive?
  • Because they were referred /endorsed by known ones?
  • Because they are highly rated?

If you find one or more than one reasons to approach the best of best Overseas education consultants in Bangalore, you are at the right place.

When you have plethora of overseas education consultants in Bangalore, then the real challenge is how do you choose one that is absolute right for you?

  • Check how many students they have placed?
  • How many years of experience do they have in truly assisting students?
  • Do they really know the process of applying?
  • Can they help you with any university you want to apply?
  • Do they persuade you to change your mindset?
  • How much do they charge, if they do – ask for the break up cost?
  • If they don’t charge – ask for justification?
  • If they suggest list of universities – ask for justification on this list?
  • Ask them the process of how did they apply to the university?
  • Ask them what documents were used at the time of application?
  • Ask what credentials were used during the applications?
  • Will they help you in getting scholarships / financial aid?
  • Ask what all scholarships are you eligible to apply for?
  • Is it possible to receive complete funding for tuition fees and living expenses?
  • After receiving multiple admits, before finalizing one, ask them why?
  • Will they help you in accommodation?
  • What other value added services will they provide?
  • What all benefits will you avail against the payment you make?

The next appropriate steps you must follow after choosing an ideal Study abroad education consultants in Bangalore for your academic pursuits:

  • Be aware of every step that is happening behind the scenes or in front.
  • Actively take part in the whole process& if possible check every step.
  • Try to know why a specific thing has been done in a specific way, however, DON’T BE NAÏVE!
  • Make friends with the one (Counselor/ Consultant) who is working on your profile, developing good relationship can yield far better results than command.
  • Ask questions if you have even slightest confusion.
  • Try and maintain contact over emails rather than phone calls. They may not be available all the time on phone calls. However, in the case of emergency phone call would be ideal.
  • Believe in them and make sure you make that evident by repeatedly saying them.
  • Don’t be over dependent on the Education consultants in Bangalore.
  • Contemplate on every suggestion and then make one informed decision.

Before making a final decision on the university – Things that you must keep in mind (Know it straight from a reputed consultancy in Bangalore) in no specific order:

  • Know your professors from the university
  • How reputed/popular is the university?
  • How old is the program you are choosing?
  • Does the university have good industrial network/connection?
  • The location of the university
  • The weather of the city
  • The alumni network
  • Research opportunities
  • Student – faculty ratio
  • Tuition fees & cost of living
  • Course curriculum

Before choosing a country, for your study abroad goals – Things to keep in mind –

Education consultants in Bangalore for study abroad

  • Weather forecast & history of weather
  • Does it have good employment for the course you are choosing?
  • Know about Indian diaspora
  • Food habits
  • Culture of the locals
  • Clothing & living standards of the locals
  • Transportation facilities
  • Try and know the primary language they use for communication & figure out if English is a favorable language or hostile to the locals?

It is extremely common to see now-a-days a student consults not one, two or three people before making a decision but every Tom, Dick & Harry he knows. There are few adverse effects in doing so. Like, your decision and your logical reasoning both gets diluted and you start thinking from the new dimension you were shown by so-called consultants. Which may be right or may be wrong, it’s sad but true to a great extent, what you hear all day, you start believing it to be true.

This phenomenon has given birth to so many consultants as a result. Every student studying at a university starts believing that he can help anyone and everyone, since he is studying in the land and he knows it all. Which may be true and applicable to few and certainly not all. And, this has also lead to many devastating cases where education consultants in Bangalore are found to have conned many innocent students by looting them and making false promises of guaranteed admissions against humongous consultation fees (I don’t blame this as the only reason for conning people, but this could be certainly one of many reasons).

Looking at all these factors, it has conspicuously bewildered many students whether to consult any education consultants or not. How to ascertain who is good and who is not? If you have read the article carefully, you already know who is your ideal overseas education consultants ? And, what are you expected to do in order to find one?

It is always better to choose the best for yourself. After all, you deserve the best services from the Education consultants in Bangalore. As it is rightly said – “Competition leads to better efficiency”.

Few interesting case studies of students who availed services for their overseas education aspirations:

Education Consultants in Bangalore for Study abroad

Case 1:

Name: Ms. C**** Me**

Location: Rajasthan

Primary Qualification: BE in ECE

BE Scores: 69%

GRE Scores: 321 | Q – 164 | V – 157 | AWA – 3.5


Work Experience: 1 year

(Course) Applied to: MS in Electrical Engineering

(Country) Applied to: USA

(Universities) Applied to: University of California, Berkeley | Carnegie Mellon University | University of Southern California | Penn State University | San Jose State University

Admitted to (Universities): Penn State University | San Jose state university

Highlight: She had initial jitters that she cannot visit us (practically because of distance) and how will the process go? Can Reknown Edu Services as best(as internet claims) Education Consultants in Bangalore be trusted? Never visited our office, the whole process went complete smooth with the help of rudimentary technology Emails and phone calls. The student is in USA today!!

Case 2:

Name: Mr. Har*** V***

Location: Hubli, Karnataka

Primary Qualification: BE in Mechanical Engineering

BE scores: 82.4%

GRE Scores: 313 | Q – 161 | V – 152 | AWA – 3

TOEFL Score: 110

(Course) Applied to: MS in Mechanical Engineering

(Country) Applied to: USA | Germany | Singapore | Sweden

(Universities) Applied to: University of Southern California (Viterbi) | Rochester Institute of Technology | RWTH Aachen | TU Berlin | TU Hamburg | National University of Singapore | KTH | Chalmers

Admitted to (Universities): USC | RIT |RWTH | TUHH | Chalmers

Highlight: He visited us (of all the other Education Consultants only once, from Hubli (Karnataka) and then got the process started he received admits from all the countries he had applied to but finally flew to Germany to make his dream come true to eventually augment technology in his own industry back in his hometown.

Case 3:

Name: Sid***** V****

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra

Primary Qualification: BE in Instrumentation & Control Engineering

BE Scores: 8.31 CGPA

GRE Scores: 325 | Q – 168 | V – 157 | AWA – 4.5

TOEFL Scores: 118

(Course) Applied to: MS in Electrical Engineering (VLSI)

(Country) Applied to: USA

(Universities) Applied to: University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) | North Carolina State University | Penn State University | Arizona State University | University of California Santa Barbara | University of Southern California – Los Angeles | Texas A & M College station

Admitted to (Universities): Uni of Minnesota | Texas A & M | Arizona State University

Highlight: He phoned us after finding a cool tool on our website to shortlist universities for himself. Despite having hundreds of Educational Consultants in Mumbai, he registered with us and flew to USA.

Case 4:

Name: Nee***** R**

Location: Kolkata, West Bengal

Primary Qualification: BE in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

BE Scores: 8.27 CGPA

GRE Scores: 311 | Q – 158 | V – 154 | AWA – 4.0

IELTS Scores: 7.5

Work Experience: 2.5 Years

(Course) Applied to: MS in Electrical Engineering (Power)

(Country) Applied to: USA | Denmark | Sweden | Netherlands |Germany

(Universities) Applied to: Arizona State University | TU Denmark | KTH | Lausanne | TU Delft | TU Munich | RWTH Aachen

Admitted to (Universities): TU Denmark | TU Delft

Highlight: He so wanted to do his masters from worlds best universities for Masters in Power Engineering and when he saw he received offer from worlds 8th ranked university for Power engineering, his happiness knew no bounds. He might have visited personally to more than 10 education consultants and then finally chose to avail our services.

Case 5:

Name: Vi*** Ku*** Sh****

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka

Primary Qualification: BE in Mechanical Engineering

BE Scores: 64%

GRE Scores: 289 | Q – 152 | V – 137 | AWA – 3.0

IELTS Scores: 6.5

Internships: 3

Workshops: many

National Conference: 1 paper at IIT Delhi

Foreign Languages: German A2 & French A1

(Course) Applied to: MS in Computation Mechanical Engineering

(Country) Applied to: Germany | France | Netherlands | Poland

(Universities) Applied to: TU Braunschweig | Universitat Erlangen Nurenburg | Ruhr Bochum | Centrale De Nantes | Univeristy of Twente | Cracow university of Technology

Admitted to (Universities): Centrale De Nantes

Highlight: He came to us when he was in 3rd year of Engineering when he has backlogs and was struggling to clear his exams. He wanted to study abroad but had no clue of where and what? When he made close acquaintance with one of our counselors he started to see a vision of how that dream can turn to a reality. He was suggested to improve is profile by taking part in various internships, workshops, National Conference and etc. With his academic profile being weak getting admission was still far from his achievements, but with perseverance and right guidance he could make his dream a reality. Today he has a job in a funded StartUp in Austria as a Computer scientist in parallel programming.


24 Responses

  1. I wanted to apply to US universities. But I want to apply to the program taht does not have doirect relation with my Btech. Can you help?

    1. Hello Litika,

      We can definitely help you in finding a way that you will not have to compromise in your interested program. But, if we aren’t convinced of the fact that with your background your chances of getting admissions better, we would advice you to relook at your log term goals.

      Connect with us on whatsapp set up an appointment and meet us in person.

    1. Hello Madhavi,

      Please write to us on Whatsapp. Give more details about yourself and ask exact question that you need answers for! As far as shortlisting universities are concerned. We can help you for sure!

  2. I think most of the work I can do on my own. But I just want support of a mentor who can tell what ever I am doing is right?

  3. Did you have students aspiring to get admissions into SJSU? I am really keen there. If you have any students applying to the same university.

    1. Hello Pali,

      We have two students applying for SJSU for 2025 intake. Please let us know your profile and your goal. We will tell you if we can really help you or no.

  4. I have been recommended by my friend (Nikhil) who took your Profile evaluation services. He was super happy. I wanted profile evaluation and documentation support also.

  5. I am interested in Denmark, especially Aalborg University. Have you sent any student in the past to this university? I wanted to talk to an alumnus from Bangalore/ Karnataka.

    1. Hello Achintya,

      Yes, we have had students to whom we have sent to Aalborg University. We cannot assure you establish a communication channel because we do not have any active connect with the students at present. But, we can initiate an attempt for sure. But, can you ask us the question directly on whatsapp? Who knows we have the answer to your question already. 🙂

  6. My daugther is interested in Bachelors degree in Film making as well as Advertisement. Can you suggest universities that offer bachelors degree that covers both of these specialisations under one degree?

    1. Hello Amit Sir,

      We can definitely help you in shortlisting universities that offer programs with electives that can cover both your preferences. But, could you tell us more about which country is she interested in? When does she want to fly? Please contact us on whatsapp and be aware shortlisting universities is a paid service.

  7. I find German University’s application process far too complex. Can you just help me with documentation and application process for the universities?

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